From Neglected to Thriving
Every day at the Baby Centre, we encounter the love and grace of God. From the moment our social worker receives a call to pick up a baby, that child’s story changes forever. As they are loved and cared for by our staff, their transformation begins, and we get to see God at work. Day by day, a child who was once malnourished becomes healthy, a child who despised being held reaches out for cuddles, a child who struggled to talk now leads other children in prayer. And your partnership makes this possible!
By God’s grace, we have the opportunity to help rewrite more stories!

This year end, would you partner with the AGC Baby Centre in a special way to help provide 4 Christmas wish list items and support ongoing care of children? Your gift helps transform the lives and show the love and hope of Jesus to children who were orphaned or neglected.
Christmas Wish List

Handicap Accessible Van: $40,000
A handicap accessible van is crucial in transporting children with special needs to church, doctor’s appointments, outings, and more.

Rainwater Harvesting System: $15,000
Currently, we purchase water for everyday tasks. Harvesting our own water will save on costs and allow us to direct more funds toward the care of the children.

Solar Powered Security Lights: $80,000
Solar powered lights will provide greater security to the children entrusted to our care.

Lawn Mower: $800
Not only will a lawn mower help our grounds team do their job more effectively, but it will also provide an opportunity to teach life skills in the future to children in the Forever Home who can operate a mower.
Ongoing Care Needs

Caring for a child: $12/day
Ongoing care includes things such as providing food, diapers, medicine, caregivers’ salaries, etc.
Give Through Partner Websites
Give Through a Bank Transfer
Standard Chartered Acct. Name: Africa Gospel Church Baby Centre
Kenya Shillings Acct. #0102827169900
US Dollar Acct. #8702827169900
Mpesa Paybill #875550