Let the little children come to me.
“Poverty and disease are epidemic in Kenya and leave in their wake innocent, helpless children who are destitute and bereft of hope for the present and the future.” After serving as a member of the founding task force and former field director of World Gospel Mission (WGM), Rev. Terry Duncan so accurately described the plight of the vulnerable in Kenya.
Bill and Melody Dearmon, missionaries with WGM, later said, “These children need help, and they need it now! By the standards of men, these little boys and girls are without hope or a future. But we know from Jeremiah 29:11 that God has a plan to give them hope and a future.” No one could look away from these children. With Bill and Melody’s leadership, the AGC Baby Centre was born.
Breaking Ground
The AGC Baby Centre broke ground on Sunday, January 18, 2005, on three acres of land donated by the local Ngata Africa Gospel Church. This would not have been possible about The Africa Gospel Church (AGC), Nappanee Missionary Church (NMC), and WGM.
The Africa Gospel Church continually seeks to provide a Kenyan solution to this Kenyan problem. This Centre was the first of its kind in Africa for AGC and its ministry partners. Its presence increases community and national awareness of the work of the church while serving as a tool to reach the least of these.
Daily Ministry of The AGC Baby Centre
The AGC Baby Centre consists of four separate wings for three age groups (birth to 4 years) and apartment housing for some of the centre’s employees. Besides providing a Christian environment and showing love and nurturing care, our team works diligently to place each eligible child in a forever family by the age of three. The AGC churches also serve as a conduit to families in Kenya who can adopt.
We believe with all our hearts that God has placed a call on our lives to be a part of these children’s hope and future. However, the most important thing we offer them is the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Holistic Ministry
Although our main focus is to spread the love and hope of Jesus Christ to the precious children of Kenya, we also minister to the adult population by providing employment. In addition to a full-time Kenyan office staff, medical staff, and social worker, the center employs caregivers to take care of the children 24 hours a day.
We cannot ignore the desperate plight of orphans throughout the country. We have answered the cry of these little ones by building this home of love and hope for homeless babies. However, we constantly look to God as He leads and directs us into the great potential in this ministry.