In Kenya, 2.6 million children are orphaned or totally neglected because of things like disease, accidents, abuse, or an unwillingness/inability to care for them. But as the AGC Baby Centre rescues, rears, and releases them into a forever family, their lives are transformed—one child at a time.

Family Changes Everything
We believe every child deserves unconditional love, safety, and belonging in family. Everything we do at the AGC Baby Centre is done to rescue, rear, and release orphaned or neglected children into forever families—transforming them into healthy family members who love God and others.

Timely Recues
Working with local agencies, our team is alert 24/7 to rescue any child who has been orphaned or neglected. A timely rescue can mean the difference between life and death.

Holistic Childcare
Our team of caregivers provides holistic childcare for every child at our centre. This means we care for each child’s heart, mind, body, and spirit.

Therapy and Development
Every child comes into our care with unique needs. Our team of therapists help them develop and meet important milestones. We also care for children with special needs and provide specialized care for them.

Medical Care
With a qualified nursing staff on-site, we provide each child with the medical care he or she needs.

Gospel Centered
The gospel of Jesus Christ ignites everything we do. We desire for every child to know how deeply he/she is loved by God and to love Him in return.

A Forever Home
Providing a Place of Safety and family for children with special needs.
In Kenya, orphaned and neglected children with special needs carry a stigma wherever they go. A family who might consider adopting them must also consider the extra care they may need—physical therapy, special education, and ongoing support. Because of the extra challenges they face, their future can seem bleak at best. But at the AGC Baby Centre, we believe differently!
When we see children with special needs, we see people created in the Image of God. We see children with bright futures and extraordinary potential. As children with special needs hear narratives that can leave them feeling like a burden, we tell them a different story. We tell them:
You were created by God. You are His beloved. Like all children, you deserve a home to call your own—a place where you are loved just as you are. You’re not a problem to be solved but a person with purpose. Where others put limitations on you, we do not! Through Christ, you can do more than anyone thought was possible. Here, you are family.

Releasing into Forever Families
Every child deserves love and belonging in family.

Some of the best days at the Baby Centre are days when a child goes home with their forever family! Our team works tirelessly with government and adoption agencies to make sure each child is placed in a family that will love and care for them.
In a forever family, children find a long-term sense of safety and security. They can grow and develop with a mom and dad. Ultimately, they become thriving family members themselves who love God and love others.