Lend Us Your H.A.N.D.S.

Babies are so precious!  Even the Bible says that Jesus “took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:16)  Just as Jesus did, you have an opportunity to bless the children of AGC Baby Centre in various ways.  Whether you are in Kenya or some other place in the world, your hands can reach to AGC Baby Centre and bless the lives of babies and staff here.

Here are some ideas for how your hands can reach.


Our full-time staff care for the needs of the babies every day, and you can join them! Interaction with others enriches these children’s lives, so we welcome volunteers who would like to give their time. If you’re nearby and have a heart to serve children in need, please contact us about volunteering.

Your hands can be used to:

  • hold and play with babies
  • fold laundry
  • beautify the grounds to create a safe environment for children to play
  • clean or help in the kitchen

If you are based outside of Kenya, you can still serve. Contact us here to use your hands to help.


AGC Baby Centre needs people who can advocate for us by sharing information and calling others to support the cause of Christ in redeeming these precious little lives. Many of you can touch people that we cannot reach, and therefore, touch the lives of babies and staff by bringing in new prayer warriors, financial supporters, encouragers, and volunteers.

If you know people who are interested in ministry to children, and especially in the work of Jesus around the world, perhaps you should share the stories of the AGC Baby Centre. It can be as simple as sharing with a Sunday school class, ladies’ fellowship, men’s group, or Bible study group. As more people encourage one another, pray, rejoice, work, and give, our community can grow and our fellowship can deepen.

If you would like information about the Baby Centre to share with your group, please contact us here, and our Outreach Ministries Staff would be glad to help you.


This work is difficult and sometimes tiring. The Baby Centre staff does not simply work here; they view their jobs as ministry and love the babies. Our team experiences so much joy and fulfillment, but there are also difficult and discouraging times. This is when we need encouragement!

If you would like to communicate with, pray for, and build a relationship with a staff member, please contact us here. Your love and prayers can go a long way to encourage and strengthen a staff member. You may never know how your words of encouragement will impact our team.


Taking care of babies is expensive. This is one of the reasons  so many children are abandoned. At the AGC Baby Centre, we are committed to providing the formula and disposable diapers needed to properly care for a child in their most formative years when nutrition is paramount for the development of their body, mind, and spirit.

We are also committed to stewarding well the money entrusted to us. We practice and teach biblical stewardship principles as part of our on-going training with our team. Sustainability can only be achieved through being good stewards of what God has given us. If you would like to partner with us through donations, here are two ways you can give:

  1. Financial Donations: Through your financial gifts, we are able to provide for the children, pay our staff, and cover our operating expenses. Because of your generosity, the lives of these children can be transformed. If you would like to give, please click here.
  2. Gifts-in-Kind: If you’re nearby and want to bring from your shamba or shop, please contact us here for a list of things we can use to help care for the babies.

If you’re outside Kenya but would like to help by sending diapers, bottles, blankets, or other items, please contact us here.


We can have the most significant impact in these children’s lives and the ministry of the AGC Baby Centre through prayer! We desperately need God and His presence to guard and guide us and our ministry. We also believe that we need others to unite with us in prayer—to share the joys and to join in the battle with us. Here are a few ways you can pray:

  1. Pray for the orphaned and abandoned children of Kenya who are in dire need of love, nurturing, food, and shelter. Remember those children who are homeless, who live in homes where they are not cared for or loved, and who are in hospitals. Pray for them daily as they experience lack and disease. Pray that God will meet their needs exactly where they are today.
  2. Pray that God will accomplish all He desires through Africa Gospel Church and this ministry. Pray that He will raise the necessary leaders and resources to continue ministry.
  3. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and discernment for those on the Baby Centre Board as they make crucial decisions about staff, policies, timelines, and implementation.
  4. Pray that God will give our staff spiritual growth as they minister through the Baby Centre and perform His work through His strength.
  5. Pray for the Lord’s provision of project partners who can become involved through prayer, financial giving, and labor of love.

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