A Place of Love, Hope, and Care
The Africa Gospel Church Baby Centre exists to be an exceptional center of excellence in childcare, driven by Gods love to rescue, rear, and release orphaned and abandoned children. We are located in the farming village of Ngata, Kenya, near Nakuru. The beautiful echo of children laughing and playing fills the air of this quiet and peaceful area of Kenya. Our wonderful neighbors, however, do not mind the sounds. Instead, they welcome them. These sounds mean that the Centre is flourishing, and the children are receiving the love and care they need.
The main building of the AGC Baby Centre consists of three wings for the children depending on their age group. Wing A cares for newborns to children approximately 10 months of age. Wing B cares for children 10 months to approximately 2 years old. Wing C—the most lively of the three—cares toddlers to children 4 years old. Our resident nurse lives on site and cares for the babies at our nursing station.
The AGC Baby Centre compound consists of the main Baby Centre building, the director’s home, a duplex staff housing unit, a tilapia fish farm, and small intense farming plots. We also have a commercial-style kitchen and laundry and administrative offices. On the second floor, we have housing for long-term volunteers and missionaries who live on-site. We also have staff housing for our management team. Additionally, our guest house can accommodate up to 24 guests for short-term teams and visitors. We also have an apartment on the second floor where our adoptive parents are allowed to stay the night to bond with their new child.
The AGC Baby Centre has a shamba (farm) about a quarter of a mile down the road and a shamba near Salgaa where we grow fruits and vegetables for the children. On this same property we have a bore hole which provides water for the Baby Centre. Using this well, we are able to sell water to the surrounding community to create income for the Baby Centre.
The Lord has provided many incredible resources to the AGC Baby Centre. We are so grateful for His many blessings and the men and women who have given to the Baby Centre as we transform the lives of abandoned children in Kenya.